Crude Carnivore

Crude Carnivore

  • Minimum order is 1 case
  • Most orders ship via UPS or FedEx from southern IL within 5-7 days
  • Shipping charges are typically anywhere from $15 to $25 per case based on destination in the contiguous US
  • Please do not list Crude Carnivore products on third party sites, such as Amazon or eBay
  • Accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover

At Crude Carnivore we lovingly handcraft bone broth for dogs and cats. Simmered just right to support digestive processes of dogs and cats, while promoting skin health and offering joint support. We believe in using only the cleanest ingredients - no pesticides or herbicides, ever. All ingredients are locally sourced and grown to provide your pets with most nutritious bone broth, while supporting small businesses like ours along the way! Topping the bowl has never been this easy and healthy.

Make a splash in your pets bowl with Crude Carnivore bone broth!

*Women owned and operated

*Created in small batches

*Grassfed and locally sourced

*Not found in big box stores

Suggested Retail Price is $10.99