King Kanine

King Kanine

  • Usually ships within 2-3 business days
  • Minimum order requirement is $300
  • All accounts must have a photocopy of their State Tax Resale ID on file
  • King Kanine products not to be sold on Amazon, Ebay or other sites that are not owned by the entity
  • Orders ship from FL, actual freight charges added
  • Accepts Visa, MasterCard, Disc and AMEX
  • International orders accepted
  • Online retailers contact King Kanine for approval

At King Kanine™, we all come to work every day because we simply adore our pets and know that others love theirs as much as we do. Because of this love and passion, we have dedicated our lives to create innovative products for dogs, cats, and horses that will not only be easier for the pet owner but will revolutionize the alternative treatment of pet ailments. Our pioneering concepts are the basis for originating these products and we will continue to push ourselves to be the trailblazer in the pet industry.

Our company launched its first product, the KING KOMB™, to resolve the massive issue with shedding from our Great Dane Mojo. The KING KOMB™ has evolved into a Self- Cleaning multi-purpose tool. We proudly sell this product in over 17 countries and have continued to expand our wellness line to add organic and natural products that are truly transparent in their ingredients. KING KLEAN, our organic shampoo has only six ingredients that pet owners can trust.

Our CBD rich product line, KING KALM™, is now the forefront for pet alternative treatments and includes oils, sprays and balms. If we can’t give it to our own dogs, we won’t consider creating it for yours.