Health Extension Little Bites Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe dry dog food is exquisitely designed to cater to the distinct nutritional needs of teacup, toy,...
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Health Extension Little Bites Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe dry dog food is exquisitely designed to cater to the distinct nutritional needs of teacup, toy, and miniature dogs, from the sprightly stages of puppyhood to the graceful years of senior adulthood. This gourmet, protein-centric formula is infused with select portions of chicken, complemented by the easily digestible goodness of brown rice. Our Little Bites recipe is a blend of innovative ingredients like revitalizing turmeric, cleansing apple cider vinegar, and invigorating ginger. It is also enriched with natural probiotics to ensure smooth digestion, and includes flaxseed and pure coconut oil, nurturing supple skin and imparting a lustrous shine to their coat. Crafted with care, this recipe features kibble that is perfectly sized for the smaller mouths of puppies and small breed dogs, making each mealtime a delightful and nourishing experience.
$7.20; $26.98; $45.99; $57.98; $78.98 each
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