Prepared with delicious, whole food ingredients, our Grain Free Buffalo & Whitefish Recipe is packed with every nutrient canines need to thrive. Free range...
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Prepared with delicious, whole food ingredients, our Grain Free Buffalo & Whitefish Recipe is packed with every nutrient canines need to thrive. Free range buffalo is the first ingredient, so you know your pet is getting healthy levels of animal protein in every bite. The second ingredient, deboned whitefish, is an excellent source of Omega 3’s. This complete and balanced dry dog food also includes a hearty helping of chickpeas, whole garden vegetables and antioxidant-rich berries. Along with a proprietary blend of cutting-edge ingredients like turmeric, apple cider vinegar, natural probiotics and pure coconut oil. With nutrients like these, our Grain Free Buffalo & Whitefish Recipe offers everything dogs and puppies require for a long, healthy and happy life.
$7.20; $29.99; $48.99; $79.90 each
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