Made with whole food ingredients, it's rich in essential nutrients for canine health. Real salmon, the primary ingredient, provides quality animal protein,...
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Delight your dog with our Grain Free Salmon Recipe & Sweet Potato Recipe, inspired by the essence of a seaside café. Made with whole food ingredients, it's rich in essential nutrients for canine health. Real salmon, the primary ingredient, provides quality animal protein, complemented by menhaden fish meal for vital Omega 3 fatty acids. This balanced dry dog food also includes chickpeas, fresh vegetables, and berries, all rich in antioxidants. Enhanced with a unique blend of turmeric, apple cider vinegar, natural probiotics, and coconut oil, our recipe offers a complete solution for a long, healthy, and happy life for dogs and puppies.
$7.20; $25.99; $49.98; $79.99 each
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