Einstein Pets signature natural, organic Peanut Butter and Blueberries Dog Treats. Time for you to get your own biscuit! Einstein Pets favorite!! A classic...
Einstein Pets signature natural, organic Peanut Butter and Blueberries Dog Treats. Time for you to get your own biscuit! Einstein Pets favorite!! A classic PB&J. All-natural peanut butter and blueberries come together to make this healthy and delicious treat!
Einstein Pets is all-natural omega premium balanced nutritional dog treats loaded with high-quality, unprocessed and clean ingredients and are made from scratch in small batches by hand. No chemicals or preservatives. Oat-flour based, mineral rich, and high in essential DHA Omega 3 & 6. This dog treat makes for a nutrient-dense cookie, high in fiber and protein, thus creating sustained energy.
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